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Photo of Wallraf-Richartz Museum
Pin Wallraf-Richartz MuseumWallraf-Richartz Museum
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Photo credits: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud.

The Wallraf-Richartz Museum is an art museum located in Cologne, Germany. It was established in 1824 and is named after two important donors, Ferdinand Franz Wallraf and his cousin, Maternus Richartz. The museum houses a vast collection of European art, with a focus on German and Dutch paintings from the medieval period to the 19th century.

The collection includes works by major artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Botticelli, and Vermeer, as well as numerous German artists such as Dürer, Holbein, and Cranach. The museum also has an impressive collection of medieval art and sculptures, including a stunning 12th-century reliquary of the Three Kings.

In addition to its permanent collection, the museum hosts numerous temporary exhibitions throughout the year, showcasing various art movements and artists. It also offers guided tours, workshops, and lectures for visitors of all ages.

The building that houses the Wallraf-Richartz Museum is an impressive structure in its own right, designed in a neo-Renaissance style by architect Rudolf Schwarz in the 1960s. Its location in the heart of Cologne makes it easily accessible for visitors, and the museum's stunning collection of art makes it a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts.