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Photo of Itsukushima Shrine
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Itsukushima Shrine is a Shinto shrine located on the island of Miyajima in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. It is one of Japan's most popular tourist destinations and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The shrine is famous for its "floating" torii gate, which appears to float on the water during high tide.

The Itsukushima Shrine was first built in the 6th century and has undergone several renovations over the centuries. It is dedicated to the gods of sea and wind, and has been a place of worship for seafarers for many centuries. The shrine complex consists of several buildings, including the main hall, which is built over the water, and several smaller shrines.

Visitors to the shrine can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the shrine grounds and the scenic views of Miyajima Island. The shrine is particularly beautiful during the cherry blossom season, when the entire island is covered in a sea of pink blossoms. In addition to visiting the shrine, visitors can also explore the nearby Miyajima town, which is famous for its street food and souvenirs.