Remparts de Vannes, also known as the ramparts of Vannes, are a historical defensive wall surrounding the old town of Vannes, a city in the Brittany region of France. The ramparts were built during the 3rd and 4th centuries and were modified several times over the centuries. They are considered one of the best-preserved medieval fortifications in France and were added to the list of French historical monuments in 1877.
The ramparts stretch for over 2 km and consist of thick walls with various towers and gates, including the Porte Saint-Vincent and the Porte Prison. The walls are made of granite and reach a height of up to 12 meters in some places. The towers were used as lookout points and as a means of defense, and some of them still have their original cannons.
Visitors can walk along the ramparts and enjoy views of the city and its surroundings. The ramparts are also used for various events throughout the year, such as concerts and festivals. The area around the ramparts is also popular for its restaurants, cafes, and shops.