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Photo of National Maritime Museum Amsterdam
Pin National Maritime Museum AmsterdamNational Maritime Museum Amsterdam
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Photo credits: National Maritime Museum Amsterdam, photographer: Twycer.

The National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, also known as Het Scheepvaartmuseum, is a museum dedicated to maritime history and culture. It is housed in a former naval storehouse that dates back to the 17th century. The museum has an extensive collection of ship models, paintings, and artifacts, as well as interactive exhibits and activities for visitors of all ages. Embracing the motto 'water connects worlds', the museum presents 500 years of Dutch maritime history and aims to draw a connection to society of today and tomorrow.

The museum's permanent exhibitions cover various aspects of Dutch maritime history, including the development of navigation techniques, exploration, trade, and naval warfare. The museum also features temporary exhibitions that explore different aspects of maritime history and culture. In addition, there are several hands-on exhibits and activities for children. This includes a replica of a Dutch East Indiaman ship where visitors can climb aboard and learn more about how this replica was built and what a life at sea in the 17th-century was like for all kinds of people. Families with children will also enjoy the exhibitions “The tale of the whale” and “Doris the Diver” (2+). Throughout the year, the museum hosts all kinds of activities for young and old, from special events (such as Dutch Water Week and World Cleanup Day) to special programs during public school holidays.

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