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Loket castle is a medieval fortress located in the town of Loket, in the Karlovy Vary region of the Czech Republic. The castle was built in the 13th century and served as a strategic stronghold during the Middle Ages.

The castle has undergone numerous renovations and additions over the centuries, including the addition of a Gothic chapel in the 14th century and a Renaissance palace in the 16th century. Today, it is open to the public as a museum and a popular tourist attraction.

The castle is situated on a rocky promontory overlooking the Ohře River and the surrounding countryside. It consists of a large central courtyard surrounded by three wings, which contain various exhibits, including weapons, armor, and historical artifacts. The castle's museum also showcases the history of the town of Loket and the surrounding region.

One of the most impressive features of Loket castle is its medieval dungeon, which is open for visitors to explore. The castle also hosts numerous cultural events throughout the year, including concerts, theatrical performances, and medieval festivals.