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Gaeta is a beautiful seaside town located on the western coast of Italy, between Rome and Naples. It is a popular tourist destination due to its rich history and beautiful beaches. Gaeta was founded by the ancient Greeks and later conquered by the Romans, who built a military harbor there. It was an important city during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and its historic center is full of architectural and artistic treasures.

One of the main attractions in Gaeta is the 13th-century Angevin-Aragonese Castle, which sits on a promontory overlooking the sea. Another must-see is the Cathedral of St. Erasmus, a Romanesque church dating back to the 12th century, which houses the relics of the town's patron saint. Gaeta is also known for its beautiful beaches, including Serapo, Ariana, and Fontania.

In addition to its history and natural beauty, Gaeta is famous for its delicious cuisine, which includes fresh seafood, handmade pasta, and local specialties like tiella (a savory pie made with potatoes, mussels, and rice). The town is also famous for its olives, which are small and intensely flavored.

Gaeta is easily accessible by car or train from Rome or Naples, and is a popular day trip destination for visitors to those cities. It is also a popular summer resort for Italians and international visitors alike, who come to enjoy the beaches and explore the town's historic center.