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Photo of Yererouk
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Yererouk is an ancient Armenian monastic complex located in the southeastern part of the country, near the border with Iran. It dates back to the 4th century and is considered to be one of the oldest surviving Christian monasteries in Armenia.

The complex consists of a church, a chapel, and several other structures. The main church is dedicated to Saint Astvatsatsin and is known for its unique architecture and intricate carvings. The exterior of the church is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the Bible, as well as carvings of birds, animals, and other motifs.

Inside the church, visitors can admire the elaborate frescoes and decorative stone carvings, which are some of the best examples of early Armenian Christian art. The chapel, which is also dedicated to Saint Astvatsatsin, was added to the complex in the 13th century and features frescoes and carvings that reflect the later medieval style of Armenian art.