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Photo of Yangxin City of Sky Scenic Area
Pin Yangxin City of Sky Scenic AreaYangxin City of Sky Scenic Area
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Yangxin City of Sky Scenic Area, also known as Yangxin Heavenly City, is a natural landscape located in the Henan Province of China. It is a karst landscape formed by geological movement, characterized by tall limestone pillars, deep caves, and natural bridges. The scenic area is named after a legendary city believed to have existed in the sky.

Visitors can explore the stunning landscape on foot, taking in the towering pillars and crystal-clear streams that flow throughout the area. One of the highlights of the area is the "Sky Bridge," a narrow bridge that connects two limestone peaks and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Another popular attraction is the "Underground River," a subterranean river that winds its way through a series of caves and gorges.

The Yangxin City of Sky Scenic Area is also known for its rich cultural history, with several ancient temples and relics located within the park. The Xingyiquan Temple, located at the entrance of the scenic area, is a popular destination for pilgrims and martial arts enthusiasts alike. The temple features a unique blend of Taoist and Buddhist influences, with several statues of Chinese martial arts masters located within its walls.