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Tiwanaku is an ancient archaeological site located near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca in the Andean highlands of western Bolivia. The site was once the center of a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished between 300 BC and AD 1000. The Tiwanaku people are believed to have been one of the most advanced civilizations in South America at the time, with impressive knowledge of architecture, astronomy, agriculture, and engineering.

The Tiwanaku site is home to a number of impressive ruins, including the Akapana pyramid, the Kalasasaya temple, and the Gate of the Sun. The Akapana pyramid is a massive stone structure that rises to a height of over 18 meters and covers an area of around 60,000 square meters. The Kalasasaya temple is an equally impressive structure, featuring intricately carved stone columns and a central courtyard surrounded by a complex network of chambers and passages.

The Gate of the Sun is perhaps the most famous structure at Tiwanaku, featuring a large stone monolith that is decorated with intricate carvings depicting various mythological figures and symbols. The gate is believed to have played an important role in religious and ceremonial rituals, and was likely a key focal point of the Tiwanaku civilization.

Today, Tiwanaku is an important archaeological site and a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world who come to marvel at the incredible engineering feats of the ancient Tiwanaku people.