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Photo of Skocjan caves
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The Škocjan Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage site located in southwestern Slovenia, near the town of Divača. The caves are one of the largest and most famous underground cave systems in the world, with a series of underground chambers, halls, and passages stretching over 6 km (3.7 miles) in length.

The caves are known for their impressive natural features, including a massive underground canyon, which is over 100 meters (328 feet) deep in some places. Visitors can walk across a suspended bridge high above the canyon floor, giving them a spectacular view of the subterranean world below.

The caves are also home to a diverse array of plant and animal life, including several rare and endangered species. Visitors to the caves can take guided tours to explore the underground wonders and learn about the unique ecosystem found within the caves.

In addition to its natural wonders, the Škocjan Caves are also steeped in history and culture. Archaeological evidence shows that the caves were inhabited by humans as far back as the Bronze Age, and the site has been used for religious and cultural purposes throughout history. Today, the Škocjan Caves are a popular tourist destination and a testament to the awe-inspiring power of nature.