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Photo of Romeo Y Julieta Cigar Factory
Pin Romeo Y Julieta Cigar FactoryRomeo Y Julieta Cigar Factory
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Romeo y Julieta is a historic Cuban cigar brand, named after the famous Shakespearean play, that was established in 1875. The brand is known for producing premium quality cigars, using only the finest tobacco leaves grown in the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba.

The Romeo y Julieta Cigar Factory is located in Havana, Cuba, and is one of the oldest and most famous cigar factories in the country. The factory has a rich history and has been producing hand-rolled cigars for over a century. Visitors to the factory can take a tour and learn about the history of the brand, as well as the traditional process of making cigars by hand. The tour includes a visit to the rolling rooms where visitors can see the cigar rollers at work, and also a visit to the aging rooms where the cigars are stored to age.

Visitors to the Romeo y Julieta Cigar Factory can also purchase cigars directly from the factory, and take a piece of Havana's rich cigar-making heritage back home with them. Whether you're a cigar enthusiast or just interested in learning about the history and craft of cigar-making, a visit to the Romeo y Julieta Cigar Factory is a must-visit for anyone visiting Havana, Cuba.