Pukamayu, also known as Rio Colorado (Red River), is a river that runs through the Cusco region of Peru. The river is named for its distinctive red-colored water, which is caused by high levels of iron oxide and other minerals in the surrounding soil.
Pukamayu is an important water source for the local population and has played a significant role in the history and culture of the region. The river is believed to have been sacred to the Inca people, who built a number of important religious sites and settlements along its banks.
Today, Pukamayu is a popular destination for tourists who come to explore the scenic landscapes and learn about the region's history and culture. Visitors can take guided tours of the area, which typically include visits to archaeological sites, hiking and trekking opportunities, and the chance to learn about local traditions and customs.
The Pukamayu area is also home to a number of unique plant and animal species, including several endemic birds and mammals. The region is considered to be a hotspot for biodiversity and is protected by several conservation initiatives and organizations.