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Photo of Mogao Caves
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The Mogao Caves are a complex of 492 caves located in the Gobi Desert in China. The caves were constructed between the 4th and 14th centuries AD, and are best known for their Buddhist art, consisting of murals, sculptures, and other artifacts. The caves are also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The caves were first constructed in the 4th century AD as a place of meditation for Buddhist monks. Over the centuries, the caves were expanded and decorated with elaborate murals and sculptures, as wealthy donors from all over China came to the caves to make offerings. The murals depict scenes from the life of the Buddha, as well as other Buddhist deities, and are considered some of the finest examples of Buddhist art in the world.

In addition to the murals, the caves also contain thousands of Buddhist scriptures, printed on silk or written on paper or palm leaves. These scriptures were sealed in jars and hidden away in the caves to protect them from the elements.

The Mogao Caves were rediscovered in the early 20th century, and have since become a major tourist attraction. Visitors can explore some of the caves and view the murals and sculptures, but access is limited to protect the fragile artwork. The caves are also being preserved and restored to protect them for future generations.