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Khiva, also known as Itchan Kala, is a city located in the western part of Uzbekistan, near the Turkmenistan border. It is an important historical site, as it was a major center of the ancient Khorezmian civilization and played a significant role in the Silk Road trade route.

The city's historic center, Itchan Kala, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the best preserved examples of Islamic architecture in Central Asia. It is enclosed within ancient walls that are over 2,000 years old and contain a wealth of historic monuments, including palaces, mosques, madrasahs (Islamic schools), and mausoleums. Some of the most famous landmarks include the Kalta Minor Minaret, the Kuhna Ark Citadel, and the Djuma Mosque.

Khiva was also an important center of culture and learning, with many renowned scholars and poets living and working in the city. Today, it remains a popular destination for tourists and scholars interested in exploring the rich history and culture of Central Asia.