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Kandovan is a unique and picturesque village located in the Sahand mountains near the city of Tabriz in Iran. It is known for its unusual houses that are built into the rocky slopes of the mountain, similar to the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia in Turkey. The homes are carved directly into the soft, volcanic rock, and are often several stories tall. Some of the homes are over 700 years old, and the village itself has a history that dates back to pre-Islamic times.

The homes in Kandovan are not only unique in their construction, but also in their functionality. Many of them have multiple rooms, and some even have stables for animals on the lower levels. The village is also known for its production of honey, which is harvested from the surrounding hillsides.

Kandovan has become a popular destination for tourists interested in its unique architecture and picturesque setting. Visitors can explore the narrow streets and alleys of the village, and even stay in one of the traditional homes that have been converted into guesthouses. In addition to its unique homes, Kandovan also has several natural hot springs, which are a popular attraction for visitors looking to relax and soak in the healing waters.