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Jellyfish Lake is a renowned marine lake located on Eil Malk Island in Palau, an archipelago nation in the western Pacific Ocean. This unique and mesmerizing destination is famous for its large population of golden jellyfish (Mastigias papua etpisoni), which have evolved over thousands of years in isolation from the open ocean.

One of the most remarkable features of Jellyfish Lake is the fascinating symbiotic relationship between the jellyfish and the algae (zooxanthellae) that live within their tissues. During the day, the jellyfish migrate across the lake in a rhythmic pattern, following the sun's movement to maximize their exposure to sunlight. The algae within the jellyfish's tissues photosynthesize and produce food for the jellyfish, which in turn provides a safe and nutrient-rich environment for the algae.

The golden jellyfish in Jellyfish Lake have lost their ability to sting over time due to the lack of natural predators in the lake, making them completely harmless to humans. This unique adaptation allows visitors to swim and snorkel among the jellyfish without any risk of being stung, providing an unforgettable and surreal experience.

Visitors to Jellyfish Lake can take guided tours or hire local boat operators to reach the lake and enjoy snorkeling or swimming with the jellyfish. The lake is relatively shallow and has clear, calm waters, making it suitable for visitors of all ages and swimming abilities.

In addition to the golden jellyfish, Jellyfish Lake is also home to a diverse array of other marine life, including various species of fish, crustaceans, and snails. The surrounding lush vegetation and pristine natural environment add to the beauty and tranquility of the lake, making it a peaceful and serene oasis in the midst of Palau's stunning island landscapes.

To protect the delicate ecosystem of Jellyfish Lake and ensure the continued survival of its unique inhabitants, visitors are required to follow strict guidelines and regulations when visiting the lake. These guidelines include avoiding the use of sunscreen and other chemical products that could harm the jellyfish and the lake's ecosystem, as well as adhering to designated swimming and snorkeling areas to minimize human impact on the environment.