Jabal AlFil, also known as the "Mount of Elephants", is a small hill located just outside of the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The name "Jabal AlFil" translates to "Mount of Elephants" in English, and the hill is so named due to the famous story of the elephants that attempted to attack Mecca.
According to Islamic tradition, in the year 570 CE, the army of the Abyssinian king Abraha attempted to invade Mecca with a force that included a number of war elephants. However, as they approached the city, the elephants refused to move and turned back towards Yemen, and the Meccans were spared.
Today, Jabal AlFil is a popular destination for tourists visiting Mecca, particularly those interested in Islamic history and tradition. Visitors can climb the hill to take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape and visit the small mosque at the summit. The mosque is a popular spot for Muslims to perform prayers, particularly during the Hajj pilgrimage.