Inwa, also known as Ava, is a small city located in Mandalay Region, Myanmar. It was the capital of Burma for nearly 400 years, from the 14th to the 18th centuries. Today, it is known for its many ancient temples, monasteries, and palaces.
One of the most famous landmarks in Inwa is the Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery. This impressive structure was built in the 1800s and features intricate carvings and a large meditation hall. Other notable temples in Inwa include the Bagaya Monastery, which was built in 1834, and the Nanmyin Watch Tower, which was part of a palace complex built in the 1800s.
Another popular attraction in Inwa is the Inwa Bridge. This historic wooden bridge was originally built in the 1800s and was the longest bridge in Myanmar at the time. Visitors can walk across the bridge and enjoy views of the surrounding countryside.
Inwa is also home to many traditional crafts, such as pottery, silk weaving, and lacquerware. Visitors can observe these crafts being made by local artisans and purchase souvenirs to take home.
To reach Inwa, visitors can take a short ferry ride across the river from Mandalay. Once on the island, visitors can explore the city by foot, horse-drawn carriage, or bicycle. The peaceful atmosphere and scenic beauty of Inwa make it a popular destination for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of Myanmar's larger cities.