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Photo of сenote Yax Muul
Pin сenote Yax Muulсenote Yax Muul
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Cenote Yax Muul is a natural sinkhole located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, near the city of Tulum. It is a part of the larger cenote system in the region, which is made up of underground rivers and lakes that are connected to the sea. The Yax Muul cenote is unique for its crystal-clear water and its shallow depth, making it a popular spot for swimming, snorkeling, and diving.

Visitors can also explore the surrounding jungle and observe the diverse wildlife that inhabits the area, including exotic birds, monkeys, and various species of reptiles and mammals. The cenote is also a popular spot for picnicking and relaxing, with several nearby restaurants and cafes offering drinks and snacks.