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Cyrene, also known as Kyrene, was an ancient Greek city located in eastern Libya. It was founded in 630 BC by a group of Greeks from Thera who established a colony in the area. The city was built on a plateau overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Green Mountains, making it a strategic location for trade and agriculture.

Cyrene was known for its intellectual and cultural achievements, and was home to some of the greatest philosophers and scientists of the ancient world. It was also an important center of agriculture, particularly for the production of olives and grains, which were exported to other regions of the Mediterranean.

The city was ruled by a series of Greek dynasties, and was later conquered by the Romans in 74 BC. It continued to prosper under Roman rule, but declined in the 3rd century AD due to a combination of economic, political, and military factors.

Today, Cyrene is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the ruins of the city attract thousands of visitors every year. Some of the most impressive structures include the Temple of Apollo, the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, and the Roman-era Theater. The site also features a number of well-preserved tombs and mausoleums, including the Tomb of Battus, the founder of Cyrene.