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Photo of cenote Dos Ojos
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Cenote Dos Ojos (Two Eyes in Spanish) is a sinkhole located near the town of Tulum in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is part of the larger underwater cave system known as Sac Actun and is considered one of the most important cenotes in the Yucatán Peninsula.

Cenote Dos Ojos is approximately 60 meters (197 feet) in diameter and features two circular openings in the ground, hence its name "Two Eyes." The cenote is approximately 43 meters (141 feet) deep, making it one of the deepest cenotes in the area. The crystal-clear water is home to a rich variety of fish and underwater wildlife, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving.

In addition to its underwater beauty, the cenote is also surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, making it a popular spot for bird watching and picnicking. Visitors can also enjoy a unique experience by exploring the nearby underwater cave system, which has been extensively explored and mapped by divers.