The Cat House is a historical building located in the old town of Riga, Latvia. It was built in 1909 by a wealthy Latvian merchant, who had been offended by the Great Guild, a powerful association of German merchants in Riga. The merchant had applied for membership to the Great Guild, but was rejected because he was Latvian. As a result, the merchant decided to build a house next to the Great Guild that would include two black cats with arched backs and raised tails on its rooftop as if mocking the guild members.
The Cat House is built in the Art Nouveau style, which was popular in Riga during the early 20th century. The house features many intricate details, such as sculptures of cats on the building's façade and decorative elements, such as flowers and ornate balconies. The house was designed by architect Friedrich Scheffel, who was known for his work in the Art Nouveau style.
Today, the Cat House is one of Riga's most famous and beloved buildings, and is considered a symbol of the city. The house has been restored and preserved over the years, and it is now home to a bank and offices. Visitors can admire the building's unique architecture and learn about its history and significance in the city's cultural heritage.