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Photo of Beit She'arim necropolis
Pin Beit She'arim necropolisBeit She'arim necropolis
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Beit She'arim is an ancient Jewish necropolis located in northern Israel, near the city of Haifa. The site consists of a series of catacombs containing the tombs of thousands of Jews dating back to the 2nd century BCE.

Beit She'arim was an important center of Jewish life during the Roman and Byzantine periods, and many prominent rabbis and scholars were buried there. The catacombs contain elaborate stone sarcophagi, intricate wall carvings, and inscriptions in Hebrew and Aramaic.

The site was rediscovered in the late 19th century by the French explorer Charles Clermont-Ganneau, and excavations have been carried out by Israeli archaeologists since the 1950s. The site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2015.