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Photo of Augusta Emerita
Pin Augusta EmeritaAugusta Emerita
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Augusta Emerita was a Roman city located in what is now modern-day Mérida, Spain. It was founded in 25 BC by Emperor Augustus as a settlement for retired soldiers and quickly grew into one of the most important cities in Roman Spain.

The city was strategically located at the intersection of two major Roman roads, and it quickly became an important center of trade and commerce. It was also a center of culture and learning, with numerous public buildings, temples, and monuments erected during the Roman period.

One of the most impressive structures in Augusta Emerita is the Roman theater, which could seat up to 6,000 spectators and was used for performances of plays, music, and other public events. The city also had an amphitheater, which could seat up to 15,000 spectators and was used for gladiator games and other spectacles.

Other notable structures in Augusta Emerita include the Temple of Diana, the Roman bridge over the Guadiana River, and the aqueduct that supplied the city with water from nearby springs. The city also had numerous public baths, markets, and administrative buildings, as well as a large forum that served as the center of political and social life in the city.

Today, many of the Roman structures in Augusta Emerita are well-preserved and are popular tourist attractions. The city is considered one of the best-preserved examples of Roman urban planning in Europe and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993.