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Photo of Vajdahunyad castle
Pin Vajdahunyad castleVajdahunyad castle
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Vajdahunyad Castle is a historic castle located in the City Park of Budapest, Hungary. It was built in 1896 to celebrate the 1,000th anniversary of Hungary's conquest of the Carpathian Basin. The castle was designed by Ignác Alpár, who combined elements of various architectural styles, including Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Romanesque.

The castle is a complex of buildings that includes a replica of the Hunyad Castle in Transylvania, Romania. It also has a small lake and a statue of Anonymous, the unknown chronicler of the early Hungarian history.

Today, the Vajdahunyad Castle is home to the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture, which showcases the history of farming and agriculture in Hungary. The museum exhibits include farm tools, agricultural machines, and rural folk costumes. Visitors can also explore the castle's beautiful courtyards and gardens, which are open to the public.

The Vajdahunyad Castle is a popular tourist attraction in Budapest, and it is often used as a venue for events and festivals, such as the Budapest Wine Festival and the Budapest Christmas Fair.