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Photo of Ujung Kulon National Park
Pin Ujung Kulon National ParkUjung Kulon National Park
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Ujung Kulon National Park is a protected area located on the western tip of the island of Java, Indonesia. The park was established in 1980 and covers an area of 1,206 square kilometers, including the surrounding marine areas. The park is known for its diverse flora and fauna, including the endangered Javan rhinoceros, which is one of the rarest mammals in the world.

The park is dominated by dense tropical rainforest, but also features mangrove forests, grasslands, and coral reefs. The coastline is dotted with secluded beaches, and there are several small islands off the coast that are also part of the park.

The Javan rhinoceros is the most iconic animal in the park, and it is estimated that there are only about 70 individuals remaining in the wild. Other notable species found in the park include the Javan gibbons, leopard cats, banteng (a type of wild cattle), and several species of deer.

The marine area of the park is home to a diverse range of fish, coral, and other marine life. Diving and snorkeling are popular activities in the park, and visitors can also take boat trips to explore the islands and coastline.

Ujung Kulon National Park is a popular destination for eco-tourists and nature lovers, and there are several trekking trails and camping sites throughout the park. The park is also home to several historical sites, including the ruins of a 16th-century Portuguese fort and several ancient Javanese burial sites.