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Squeaky Beach is a beautiful beach located in Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria, Australia. It is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike due to its stunning scenery and unique features.

One of the most notable features of Squeaky Beach is the white quartz sand, which gives the beach its name. The sand is so fine that it makes a squeaking sound when walked on, adding to the beach's charm. The beach is surrounded by granite boulders, which provide a stunning contrast to the white sand and crystal clear waters.

Squeaky Beach is also popular with hikers, as it is located near a number of hiking trails in the Wilsons Promontory National Park. Visitors can enjoy hiking through the bushland and taking in the beautiful scenery before ending their hike with a refreshing swim at Squeaky Beach.

The beach is patrolled during the summer months, making it a safe swimming destination for families with children. Visitors can also enjoy fishing, snorkeling, and diving in the waters off the beach.