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Photo of Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries
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Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Sichuan province of China. It comprises seven nature reserves and nine scenic parks in the Qionglai and Jiajin Mountains, covering an area of 924,500 hectares. The site is home to approximately 30% of the world's giant pandas, as well as other rare and endangered species, such as the red panda, snow leopard, and clouded leopard.

The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries were established to protect the natural habitat of the giant pandas and their breeding grounds. The site is characterized by a unique combination of bamboo forests, rivers, and mountainous terrain, which provides the ideal environment for the giant pandas to thrive. Visitors to the site can observe the giant pandas in their natural habitat, as well as learn about the conservation efforts being undertaken to protect them.

The site is also home to a number of cultural and historical attractions, such as the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which is considered to be one of the world's oldest and largest irrigation systems, dating back to the 3rd century BC. Other attractions include the ancient town of Anren, the Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area, and the Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, which is known for its stunning lakes, waterfalls, and natural hot springs.