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Photo of Rocca Roveresca
Pin Rocca RoverescaRocca Roveresca
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Rocca Roveresca is a medieval fortress located in the town of Senigallia, in the Marche region of Italy. The fortress was built in the early 15th century by the Duke of Urbino, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, and was later enlarged and fortified by the Rovere family.

The fortress features a square plan with four towers at the corners and a central courtyard. The walls are made of red brick and limestone, and the towers are topped by crenellations and battlements. The fortress is surrounded by a moat, which was originally filled with water.

Today, Rocca Roveresca houses the Town Museum, which features exhibits on local history and art. Visitors can explore the various rooms of the fortress, including the prisons, armory, and chapel. The top of the central tower also offers panoramic views of Senigallia and the surrounding countryside.

Throughout the year, Rocca Roveresca hosts various cultural events and exhibitions, making it a popular destination for visitors to Senigallia.