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Pink Beach is a stunningly beautiful beach located on the island of Komodo in Indonesia. It is known for its unique pink-colored sand, which is created by the presence of red coral fragments mixed in with the white sand. This natural phenomenon has made Pink Beach one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country.

Visitors can enjoy the clear blue waters of the beach, where they can swim and snorkel among the vibrant coral reefs and see a variety of colorful fish and other sea creatures. There are also several small restaurants and cafes nearby, where visitors can grab a bite to eat and relax while taking in the views of the picturesque beach and its surroundings.

Pink Beach is also a popular spot for sunset viewing, as the sun sets over the Indian Ocean and turns the sky into a brilliant shade of pink and orange. For those interested in exploring more of the island, there are several guided tours available that take visitors to other parts of Komodo National Park, where they can see Komodo dragons and other exotic wildlife.