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Photo of Pidhirtsi castle
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Pidhirtsi Castle, also known as Pidhirtsi Palace, is a historic palace located in Pidhirtsi village in western Ukraine, about 80 kilometers from Lviv. The castle was constructed in the late 17th century for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's Grand Crown Hetman Stanislaw Koniecpolski. The design of the castle was influenced by the Baroque and Renaissance architectural styles.

The palace has a beautiful interior that has survived to this day, including a grand hall, music room, private chapel, and intricate frescoes and stucco work. It also has a beautiful park, a chapel, and a defensive wall with towers.

Throughout its history, the castle has been owned by several families and underwent a series of restorations and renovations. During World War II, the castle was occupied by the Germans, who used it as a military hospital, and afterwards, it was used by the Soviet army. As a result, the castle was severely damaged and fell into disrepair.

In recent years, the Ukrainian government has undertaken restoration efforts, and the castle is now open to the public as a museum. Visitors can explore the interior, including the grand hall, chapel, and living quarters, as well as the gardens and park surrounding the castle. The Pidhirtsi Castle is a popular tourist destination in Ukraine and a great example of Baroque architecture in the country.