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Photo of Otuzco windows Cajamarca
Pin Otuzco windows CajamarcaOtuzco windows Cajamarca
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The Otuzco Windows are an archeological site located near the town of Otuzco in the Cajamarca region of northern Peru. The site consists of a series of man-made, underground tombs that were used by the ancient Cajamarca people. These tombs, which date back to pre-Columbian times, were built into the soft volcanic rock that is common in the area.

The most striking feature of the Otuzco Windows is the series of niches or "windows" that are carved into the rock face. There are approximately 337 of these niches, each of which would have held a mummy. The tombs are arranged in rows, and some of them are connected by small tunnels.

The exact purpose of the Otuzco Windows is not known, but it is believed that they were used for religious or ceremonial purposes. The Cajamarca people were known for their elaborate burial rituals, and it is likely that the Otuzco Windows were an important part of these rituals.