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Photo of Ogimachi village
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Ogimachi Village is a picturesque historic village located in the Shirakawa-go region of Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its unique and traditional thatched-roof houses, known as gassho-zukuri, which are built to withstand heavy snowfall during the winter months.

The village has around 60 houses and buildings that are designated as cultural assets of Japan, and many of them are open to visitors. The houses have steeply sloping thatched roofs, which are made of locally grown straw and are held together by ropes, without the use of nails.

Visitors to the village can learn about the traditional lifestyle of the local people and see how they made their living by farming and raising silkworms. There are several museums and workshops in the village, where visitors can try their hand at traditional crafts like weaving and pottery.