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Mrauk U is an ancient city located in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. The city was the capital of the Mrauk U Kingdom, which flourished from the 15th to the 18th century. Mrauk U is known for its rich cultural heritage, unique architecture, and ancient temples and pagodas.

The city was strategically located on the Kaladan River, which made it an important trading center between India and Southeast Asia. The Mrauk U Kingdom was a prosperous maritime trading power, with a strong navy and a thriving economy.

The ancient city is home to over 700 temples, pagodas, and monasteries, including the famous Shittaung Pagoda, which was built in the 16th century and has over 80,000 Buddha images. The Htukkanthein Temple is another notable temple in Mrauk U, with its unique architecture and maze-like interior.

Mrauk U is also known for its ancient fortifications, including the city walls and moats, which were built to protect the city from invaders. The palace site is another important site in Mrauk U, which served as the seat of the Mrauk U kings.