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Photo of Mochima National Park
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Mochima National Park is a protected area located in the eastern part of Venezuela, between the states of Sucre and Anzoategui. The park covers a total area of approximately 950 square kilometers and was established in 1973 to protect the region's diverse marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

The park includes a coastal area that features numerous bays, beaches, and rocky cliffs. The marine area of the park is home to a wide variety of fish, crustaceans, and other sea creatures, making it an ideal destination for snorkeling, scuba diving, and other water sports.

In addition to its marine ecosystems, Mochima National Park also contains several forested areas that are home to a diverse array of wildlife species, including monkeys, deer, and numerous bird species. The park's flora is also diverse and includes a range of trees, such as coconut palms, ceibas, and mangroves.