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Photo of Lokobe National Park
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Lokobe National Park is a protected area located on the island of Nosy Be in Madagascar. It covers an area of 7.6 square kilometers and was established in 1927 as the first national park in Madagascar. The park is a popular destination for tourists due to its unique flora and fauna and stunning landscapes.

Lokobe National Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the black lemur, the crowned lemur, the sportive lemur, and the mouse lemur. It is also home to a variety of birds, including the Madagascar kingfisher and the Madagascar pygmy kingfisher. The park's dense forest is dominated by a canopy of large trees that provide habitat for many species of wildlife.

Visitors to Lokobe National Park can take guided tours through the park's dense forests to observe its wildlife and enjoy its natural beauty. The park is known for its scenic hiking trails and offers opportunities for bird watching, snorkeling, and beach activities. There are also several local communities located around the park that offer cultural experiences for visitors, including traditional dance performances and handicraft markets.