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Larung Gar, also known as Larung Valley or Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, is a prominent and influential Buddhist religious institute and monastic settlement located in the remote and mountainous region of Sertar County in the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China. Founded in 1980 by the influential lama Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, Larung Gar has grown into one of the largest and most important centers for Tibetan Buddhist study, practice, and scholarship in the world.

The sprawling complex of Larung Gar is home to thousands of monks, nuns, and lay practitioners from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, who come to study, meditate, and practice the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism under the guidance of esteemed Buddhist masters and scholars. The academy offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers the Five Sciences of Tibetan Buddhism, including philosophy, logic, ethics, religious rituals, and tantric practices, as well as various other aspects of Buddhist studies and contemplative traditions.

Larung Gar is renowned for its distinctive and colorful architecture, with rows of small wooden huts and monastic dwellings clustered closely together on the rugged mountain slopes, creating a vibrant and bustling community that blends harmoniously with the surrounding natural landscape. The academy's picturesque setting, with its serene valleys, pristine forests, and towering mountain peaks, provides a tranquil and peaceful environment conducive to spiritual growth, contemplation, and mindfulness practice.

Despite its remote location and challenging accessibility, Larung Gar has become an increasingly popular destination for both domestic and international Buddhist pilgrims, scholars, and tourists seeking to experience the authentic Tibetan Buddhist culture, traditions, and way of life. Visitors to Larung Gar can participate in guided tours, attend lectures and teachings by renowned Buddhist masters, and explore the academy's extensive collection of monastic buildings, stupas, temples, and prayer halls adorned with intricate murals, statues, and sacred relics.

In recent years, Larung Gar has faced challenges and controversies due to government-imposed restrictions and regulations aimed at limiting the size and influence of the academy, including the demolition of thousands of monastic dwellings and the expulsion of a significant number of monks and nuns from the settlement. Despite these challenges, the community of Larung Gar remains resilient and committed to preserving and transmitting the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, fostering intercultural understanding and dialogue, and promoting peace, compassion, and spiritual harmony among people of all backgrounds and beliefs.