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Photo of Laguna Verde
Pin Laguna VerdeLaguna Verde
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Laguna Verde is a saltwater lake located in the southwestern corner of Bolivia, close to the border with Chile. It is situated at an altitude of approximately 4,300 meters above sea level and covers an area of around 17 square kilometers.

The name "Laguna Verde" translates to "Green Lagoon" in English, and it is so called due to its striking green color. The color is caused by a high concentration of minerals, particularly copper and lead, which are dissolved in the water.

The lake is part of the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, which is known for its unique landscapes and diverse wildlife. Visitors to the reserve can see a variety of animals, such as vicuñas, llamas, and flamingos, as well as geological formations such as geysers, hot springs, and volcanoes.

Tourists can take guided tours to Laguna Verde and explore the surrounding area. Visitors can also participate in activities such as hiking, photography, and wildlife watching. However, due to the high altitude and harsh climate, it is essential to take precautions and prepare adequately before embarking on a trip to this area.