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Photo of Cividale del Friuli
Pin Cividale del FriuliCividale del Friuli
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Cividale del Friuli is a town in northeastern Italy, located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. It was founded by Julius Caesar in 50 BC and later became a significant center of the Lombard kingdom. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its rich history and well-preserved architecture.

The town's main attraction is the 8th-century Lombard Temple, also known as the Tempietto Longobardo, which is one of the most important examples of Lombard architecture in Italy. Other notable landmarks include the Palazzo dei Provveditori Veneti, the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, and the Ponte del Diavolo, a medieval stone bridge that spans the Natisone River.

Cividale del Friuli is also known for its rich culinary tradition, which features regional specialties such as frico (a cheese and potato dish), brovada (pickled turnips), and cjarsons (stuffed pasta). The town is also home to several annual festivals, including the Festa di San Giovanni Battista, a celebration of the town's patron saint, and the Mittelfest, an international theater and music festival that takes place every summer.