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Photo of Almudena Cathedral
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Almudena Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in Madrid, Spain. The construction of the church began in 1879 but wasn't completed until 1993. The cathedral's architecture is an eclectic mix of neo-Gothic, neo-Romanesque, and neo-classical styles.

The church's original plan was to replace the Santa Maria de la Almudena, a small church built in the 16th century, with a new building that would be the cathedral of the city. However, the construction of the church was delayed for several decades due to political and financial issues.

The cathedral's interior features a mix of styles, including neo-Gothic, neo-Romanesque, and neo-Baroque. One of the highlights of the church's interior is the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, which features a painting by Francisco de Goya.

The cathedral's exterior is equally impressive, with a towering dome and twin bell towers. The facade of the church is adorned with several statues, including those of the apostles, saints, and kings of Spain.

The Almudena Cathedral is located next to the Royal Palace of Madrid and is considered one of the city's most important landmarks. The church is open to visitors and offers guided tours that provide an in-depth look at its history and architecture.