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Photo of Ajloun castle
Pin Ajloun castleAjloun castle
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Ajloun Castle is a fortress located in the north of Jordan, near the town of Ajloun. The castle was built in the 12th century by the Muslim leader Saladin in order to protect against Crusader attacks from the west and to control the iron mines of Ajloun. The castle was also used by the Ayyubids and Mamluks during their reign.

The castle is considered one of the best-preserved examples of Islamic military architecture and is known for its strategic location, which provides stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The castle is built on a hilltop, surrounded by deep valleys on three sides, and features a series of towers, walls, and courtyards.

The castle was designed to provide protection from enemy attacks, and features a moat, drawbridge, and arrow slits. The castle also includes a large central courtyard, a mosque, and a dungeon. Visitors to the castle can explore the various towers and rooms, climb up to the watchtower for panoramic views, and learn about the history of the castle through informational displays and exhibits.